Thread subject: :: Xanthogramma

Posted by Gansucha on 12-05-2012 14:15

The Northwest Ukraine, 6 May.
Xanthogramma pedissequum ?

Edited by Gansucha on 12-05-2012 14:27

Posted by Cesa on 12-05-2012 14:32

I am not specialist; however, I have already submitted here a similar fly as Xanthogramma and wait for confirmation.
I think one of the important difference between Chrysotoxum and Xanthogramma is the shape and colouration of antenna. Black in the former, yellowish brown in the latter genus. Besides, shapes of the yellowish tergal bands on abdomen are also remarkable. Therefore, I propose Xanthogramma for your image.

Posted by Gansucha on 12-05-2012 14:39

Agree with You, I too this has already seen and has changed name, thank you, Cesa !