Thread subject: :: Big Tachinidae or Sarcophagidae (?) from 08.05.12

Posted by Juergen Peters on 09-05-2012 23:08


This fly had the habit and size of a big Sarcophaga (about 14-15 mm), but it seems to be a Tachinid. Very distinctive the yellow scutellum, but I can't find a match :|. On tree trunk in forest, northwest Germany.

1500x1125 pictures:

Posted by Juergen Peters on 09-05-2012 23:09

Pic #2

Posted by Zeegers on 11-05-2012 10:49

The eyes are hairy, so definitely a Tachinidae

First impression is Ernestia rudis female (broadened fore tarsus, size, partly orange antenna, ...), but there seems to be an appendix to bend of vein M. That bothers me.


Posted by oxycera on 11-05-2012 22:13

The appendix could be a slight fold or trick of the light.

Posted by Juergen Peters on 11-05-2012 23:57

Hello, Theo and oxycera!

Thank you! Ernestia rudis was indeed flying that day at the usual places. But this fly seemed to me much more slender, really like a Sarcophaga. I have E. rudis generally in mind like the one below.

Posted by Zeegers on 17-05-2012 08:36

You are comparing a female with a male !

But still, I have my doubts as well.


Posted by ValerioW on 06-11-2012 15:57

Hello. What do you think about Nemoraea pellucida? I've get some shot of one female time ago, and from descriptions seems so similar.

Edited by ValerioW on 06-11-2012 15:57