Thread subject: :: Ethiopian Syrphidae 4

Posted by U Samnegard on 09-05-2012 16:20

Syrphidae collected in Southwestern Ethiopia in February-March 2011 on altitudes between 1500 and 2000 masl. It's caught in a coffee forest and its body length is 6-7mm. I'm mainly interested in the genus.

Posted by U Samnegard on 09-05-2012 16:21

front view

Posted by U Samnegard on 09-05-2012 16:21


Posted by Gerard Pennards on 09-05-2012 16:34

A female Melanostoma sp.

Posted by U Samnegard on 09-05-2012 16:51

Thank you for the help Gerard! How certain are you in the identifications?

Posted by Gerard Pennards on 09-05-2012 17:20

For this one I'm sure it's a female Melanostoma sp.
For some of the other identifications there are sometimes other possibilities.
Is the material from alcohol or another preserving fluid?

Posted by U Samnegard on 10-05-2012 08:29

Okay! They have all been in alcohol for about a year so their colours may have changed a bit.