Thread subject: :: Platypezidae fly

Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 12-01-2007 01:58


* locality - Silgueiros - Viseu - PORTUGAL
* date - 11.01.2007
* size - 6 mm (medium fly)
* habitat - farmland
= substrate - lemon fruit tree

Platypezidae fly? :)

Posted by Jan Willem on 12-01-2007 09:40

Hi Jorge,

Yes Platypezidae! Unfortunately I can't give you a species name without my literature at hand. If nobody will give you a species name before tonight, I will give it a try when I get home, but I guess that won't be necessary :).

Jan Willem

Posted by Jan Willem on 15-01-2007 00:44

Hi Jorge,

I was told (with much reservation) that it might be Polyporivora ornata. Today I tried to identify your specimen with Chandler (2001; The Flat-footed Flies (Diptera: Opetiidae and Platypezidae) of Europe), and came to the same conclusion (also with reservation). It is hard so see all the details clearly enough for a positive identification.

Jan Willem

Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 17-02-2007 00:04

more one photo.
which kind of views do you need? Lateral view? Other? Let me know.

Thank you!

Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 02-05-2007 19:27

back to this fly...
Jan or someone can confirm if this is Polyporivora ornata?

Posted by michal tkoc on 12-05-2007 00:21

for 95 percent this is Polyporivora ornata, male of course. But if you have details of notopleural bristles, antena or hind tarsus, it will be great.
The problem is, that for the exact determination the genitalia is important too. If it is important for you, next time, I can compare this fly with some my specimens from my collection.

Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 12-05-2007 00:29

ok. i will see if I have thee photo that can show that bristles.

I have more one new platypezid fly that I had not show yet (very soon I will show here). It can be the female of this species.

Posted by michal tkoc on 12-05-2007 00:43

The collecting date is very very unusual, maybe its a result of the warm winter, was the fly active or slow?

Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 12-05-2007 00:49

a little active. :) Above a Citrus limon leaf. And the date is right. No mistakes. (I was confirming with exif file)
This winter had some cold days. In overall, was more wet than usual.

Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 12-05-2007 00:50

I have another species of platypezid that I caught on 1st April 2007. (I will show the photos very soon.)