Thread subject: :: Bibio venosus

Posted by clovis on 07-05-2012 23:39


Could this be B venosus? The tibia I and III doesn't seams bulging...
Clovis : France : sainghin en mélantois : 59 : 6/5/2012
Altitude : NR - Taille : 8 mm
Réf. : 84747

Posted by Zeegers on 08-05-2012 18:51

Definitely NOT venosus.

Looks like the male of leucopterus


Posted by clovis on 13-05-2012 21:21

Thanks for your answer Theo!
I am going to look at the tibia I spines. If they are sub equal, and there is 9 antennal segment is it characteristic of leucopterus?