Thread subject: :: ID request

Posted by Carnota on 09-01-2007 23:58

Please, any IDea?

In Hedera hibernica, in Quercus petraea forest, near Ourense, NW Spain. Size 14 mm. 3-november-2006.

Thanks in advance

Posted by Carnota on 10-01-2007 00:00


Posted by Carnota on 10-01-2007 00:01


Posted by Carnota on 10-01-2007 00:07


Posted by Paul Beuk on 10-01-2007 00:40

I'd almost say that this is Phasia aurigera, which is depicted on the starting page of this site...

Edited by Paul Beuk on 10-01-2007 00:41

Posted by Carnota on 10-01-2007 07:42

Hello, Paul!

Thanks for the Id.
And thanks a lot for this magnificent web.

Posted by Zeegers on 11-01-2007 19:45

skip 'almost' and I agree 100 % with Paul


Posted by Carnota on 12-01-2007 10:39

Hi, Zeegers
Thank you for the confirmation