Thread subject: :: Tiny fly with thick short abdomen

Posted by Jan Zwaaneveld on 08-01-2007 18:24

Today I found this one at Leerdam, Netherlands. It was about 3 mm long. The abdomen is thick and short and has a orange/reddish tip to it. Anyone?

Thanks in advance!

Posted by Jan Zwaaneveld on 08-01-2007 18:25

pic 2

Posted by Tony Irwin on 08-01-2007 20:47

I have to claim this as an ephydrid - either Hydrellia or Philygria. And I'll guess Hydrellia because of the colour of the mite under the tip of the abdomen. These red mites often prove to be the larvae of Hydracarina (water mites) - so Hydrellia is more likely.

Posted by Kahis on 08-01-2007 20:48

The red thing is a phoreric mite hanging from the abdomen of the fly.

Posted by Jan Zwaaneveld on 08-01-2007 20:55

Tony and Kahis, thanks very much!