Thread subject: :: Cheilosia ranunculi ?

Posted by John Bratton on 04-05-2012 14:51

Do these pictures look OK for ranunculi, please? The prongs (for want of a technical term) look shorter than is depicted in Stubbs & Falk 2nd edn, but don't have the albitarsis bulge at their base.

Tarsus segment to follow.

Collected 2 May 2012, coastal path near Aberffraw, Anglesey, around Ranunculus ficaria.

John Bratton.

Posted by John Bratton on 04-05-2012 14:51


Posted by Menno Reemer on 07-05-2012 22:29

I can't see enough of the genitalia, but the shape of the apical tarsomere surely looks good enough to confirm C. ranunculi.

Posted by John Bratton on 08-05-2012 17:27

Thanks very much.
