Thread subject: :: What Melangyna?

Posted by Ruth Ahlburg on 12-04-2012 21:28

From my garden april 5, 2012 near Copenhagen, Denmark. About 10 mm.
Eyes hairy, short.
The yellov spots on 3. and 4. tergit tapering towards midline of body.
Mid tibia all yellow/brown, distal part not black.
Face broad.
M. lasiopthalma is a possibility, but I think it could be M. lucifera, but I´ve never seen that rare species.

Thanks in advance

Posted by Ruth Ahlburg on 12-04-2012 21:29

Picture 2

Posted by Ruth Ahlburg on 12-04-2012 21:29

Picture 3

Posted by Ruth Ahlburg on 12-04-2012 21:30

Last picture


Posted by Ruth Ahlburg on 12-04-2012 21:59

One picture more

Best regards