Thread subject: :: Tachinidae - 002

Posted by Halvard Hatlen on 11-04-2012 01:15

This was too difficult. - collected in Møre og Romsdal, near Åndalsnes, Norway. 2. august 2000.

Posted by Halvard Hatlen on 11-04-2012 01:16


Posted by Halvard Hatlen on 11-04-2012 01:16


Posted by Halvard Hatlen on 11-04-2012 01:17


Posted by ChrisR on 11-04-2012 10:30

Looks like another Trixa - note the very short antennae :)

Posted by Halvard Hatlen on 12-04-2012 01:09

I say Trixa conspersa, bacause the shaddow on 'crossveins' and the 'shaddow-dot' om r-m. It's near 10 mm, and I see that it is covered with some ... so it look black, the pattern is not visiable on thorax, and I think the head too. I also mixed a cold blue led-light with a normal white-yellow lamp .... (I have planning to stop that, because I got wrong colors) Thanks a lot. :):)

Posted by ChrisR on 12-04-2012 09:49

I think Trixa tend to get quite greasy, which masks the dusting patterns. If you try washing it for 24 hours in acetone or ethyl acetate it might look more normal. :)