Thread subject: :: Milichiidae --> Desmometopa varipalpis

Posted by valter on 06-04-2012 00:26

Location: Algarve, Portugal
Date: April 2012


Edited by valter on 10-04-2012 15:13

Posted by Roger Thomason on 06-04-2012 03:22


Posted by John Carr on 06-04-2012 03:55

The hind leg and wing veins appear normal. I think some other acalyptrate fly. family.

Posted by Andrzej on 06-04-2012 14:52

I'd say near Milichiidae but I'm not totally sure :)

Posted by Paul Beuk on 10-04-2012 14:41

Desmometopa varipalpis

Posted by valter on 10-04-2012 16:53

Thanks :)

Posted by Ectemnius on 18-02-2020 15:30

Hello valter & Paul,

The metatarsi are be black. That is not the case in any D. varipalpis material I've seen. This could also be D. m-nigrum.

@Paul: do you concur?

Kind regards,


Posted by Paul Beuk on 18-02-2020 17:56

I cannot disagree. Been a while since I looked at Desmometopa's...