Thread subject: :: Phoridae?

Posted by Juergen Peters on 22-12-2006 02:16


Several of these 5-6 mm flies came to the light yesterday evening here in our garden in Ostwestfalen/Germany. Are they Phorids? Thanks for any hints!

Three more pics:

Posted by Paul Beuk on 22-12-2006 08:59


Posted by Jan Willem on 22-12-2006 14:12

Hi J?rgen,

Have a close look at your first photo and take note of the first tarsal segment of the hindleg! Furthermore the wing venation in Phoridae is rather typical. Unfortunately the phorid pictures in the gallery are not showing the wing venation very clearly, but have a look at pictures on the internet and you will see that there are a few wing veins that are much stronger than the rest of the veins. I?m afraid this isn?t a very good description, but you will see what I mean!

Jan Willem

Posted by Juergen Peters on 22-12-2006 19:45

Hello, Paul and Jan Willem!

Thanks! I'm always confusing these two families :-(. I am almost sure, I had posted similar flies in autumn here or in my own forum, and the "Phorids" turned out to be Sphaerocerids and vice versa. If I remember correctly, in those cases the Sphaerocerids were rather small and bulky, why I thought they were Phorids (in German "hump flies"), while the real Phorids were rather slender like this new fly.
I'm also almost quite sure that someone had posted the wing venation differences already at that time, but I didn't find it yesterday. So, thanks again for the explanation. I hope I will get it right next time :-).

To you and all other forum readers a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!