Thread subject: :: Tukr Ephydridae 2

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 20-12-2006 15:15

Near Kushadasi, 19 dec, 5mm
It acts like Ephydra and has directed out or, so as I understand Ephydrinae.
May be Coenia?

Posted by Tony Irwin on 20-12-2006 19:59

Not one I recognise!:(

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 20-12-2006 21:30

Hi Tony, sounds interesting:D
I couldn't get siutable genus neither with Nartchuk key, nor with Krivosheina's key for Far East.
At least do you confirm Ephydrinae?
Tomorrow I'll come back and try to make good lile image and collect more...

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 21-12-2006 17:33

Life image.
But it seems that legs are black?

Posted by Tony Irwin on 21-12-2006 20:34

Well, I'm inclined to think that these are two species of the same genus, and the genus is probably Brachydeutera - not one I'm familiar with, but according to Fauna Europaea there is at least one species known from Turkey.
The lower photo is female and the top one appears to be male, so there may be a gender difference in leg colour. If so, it is unusual in Ephydridae.
I believe Marina knows this genus. She should be able to help name the specimens. (Great pic, as usual! :p)

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 21-12-2006 22:08

Thank you Tony.
I collected specimens on foto and 2 more. To my astonishment all collected flies are with yellow legs.

Posted by Tony Irwin on 22-12-2006 01:41

What do you use as a killing agent? It's possible that a solvent could alter the dusting on the legs to let the ground colour show through, but it does seem a bit strange!:o

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 22-12-2006 18:57

I use ethylacetat (via woman's liquid for nail polish removing).
Realy strange: all collected flies (7 sp) - with yellow legs, another one life image - with blackish legs too...

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 25-12-2006 22:13

It seems to my that a year ago Ephydridae from very dirty pool in South Pattaya, Thailand looks alike turkish Brachydeutera(?). Same watersurface activity, but 2-3 times less size.

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 30-12-2006 15:22

Genus (excluding the Thai fly) confirmed as Brachydeutera by Marina Krivosheina.
As a "Happy New Year" two images below - Collembola jump on Brachydeutera's head. Brachydeutera's reaction was rather natural...

Edited by Nikita Vikhrev on 30-12-2006 22:46

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 06-02-2007 19:43

Confirmed as Brachydeutera ibari by Marina Krivosheina.