Thread subject: :: Helophilus trivittatus? (Helophilus pendulus(female)

Posted by Mucha Fero on 25-01-2012 19:50

Helophilus trivittatus(female) is correct? Region Malá Fatra Terchová about 700 m above sea level. Thank you very much for your help. I made a photo of 01.06.2011.

Edited by Mucha Fero on 26-01-2012 20:00

Posted by Mucha Fero on 25-01-2012 19:51

[quote]Mucha Fero wrote:

Posted by Auratus on 26-01-2012 10:32

Looks like H. pendulus, although femur 3 is rather difficult to see.

Posted by Mucha Fero on 26-01-2012 20:02

Auratus wrote:
Looks like H. pendulus, although femur 3 is rather difficult to see.

Jan thank you very much.

Posted by timz501 on 30-01-2012 20:00

Yes is a female H. pendulus ... trivittatus female has different markings on tergite 2 and the tergite markings are lemon in colour rather than yellow (also has no black facial stripe tho cant see that here clearly) and only other possible spp is H. hybridus but that has the hind tibia with only basal quarter pale rather than basal third as seen here which pendulus has.

Posted by Mucha Fero on 05-02-2012 19:00

timz501 wrote:
Yes is a female H. pendulus ... trivittatus female has different markings on tergite 2 and the tergite markings are lemon in colour rather than yellow (also has no black facial stripe tho cant see that here clearly) and only other possible spp is H. hybridus but that has the hind tibia with only basal quarter pale rather than basal third as seen here which pendulus has.

Thank you very much.