Thread subject: :: Hairy fly with red abdomen, ID please. IDed as Eriothrix rufomaculata

Posted by Ginks on 21-01-2012 01:45

I'm a newby to Diptera, forgive my ignorance.
I'm also new to IT, so please bear with me!

I found this fly in my back gadren in Essex in 2010. It was on some tansy. It's a suburban garden, but I've lived here for thirty years and garden orgaincally. The insect life is amazing.

I can't tell you much about the fly, but you can see its size because it's sitting on tansy.

I know that I've definitely had Tachnia fera in my garden, but this doesn't look like the same species.

I'd appreciate an ID, please... if I can work out how to get my picture on here!

Thank you, Ginks

Edited by Ginks on 25-01-2012 00:19

Posted by tristram on 21-01-2012 02:07

Looks like an Eriothrix sp, maybe Eriothix prolixa judging from the way the veins meet near the tip of the wing.

Edited by tristram on 21-01-2012 02:20

Posted by ChrisR on 21-01-2012 02:17

Welcome to the forum Ginks :)

Well done for spotting that it is related to Tachina fera - they are both parasite flies (Tachinidae). The fly is Eriothrix rufomaculata - Eriothrix prolixa is smaller with no red patches on the abdomen and it tends to be a grassland species. :)

Edited by ChrisR on 21-01-2012 02:18

Posted by tristram on 21-01-2012 02:24

I had just got round to finding the bit in Belshaw that says of prolixa: "female abdomen without red markings" but Chris got in before I could correct myself.

Posted by Ginks on 21-01-2012 12:48

Thank you, Tristram and ChrisR, for the warm welcome to the forum... and IDing my fly for me!

I'd just like to check something with you, if you don't mind...
We know it's a female because... the eyes are widely spaced?
(I'm interested in hoverflies too, but they don't always stick to the rules, do they?!)
