Thread subject: :: French Guianan syrphid 20120120-4

Posted by ChrisR on 20-01-2012 15:49

Here is another nice syrphid from Stephane Brule in French Guiana - is it possible to give it a name? :)

Posted by Menno Reemer on 20-01-2012 17:04

Quichuana spec., male. Genus is under revision.

Posted by ChrisR on 20-01-2012 19:31

Thanks for those Menno - much appreciated :)

Posted by Gerard Pennards on 20-01-2012 23:51

Hey Chris, uploading your older pictures for a second round??


Posted by ChrisR on 21-01-2012 00:07


Arghhhh, sorry!! I see that Stephane sent me the same photo twice!! Grrr ... I have started a spreadsheet so I should be able to detect them next time! :D