Thread subject: :: Green fly flying, Peru

Posted by Stephen on 20-01-2012 13:52

Probably hard to say with any certainty from this photo, but would Ornidia cf. obesa be a reasonable semi-educated guess?

I saw 4-5 of these flies, each hovering in its own place, about 1 meter above the ground. Occasionally one would get too close to another one, and they would chase each other.

5 January 2012, Paracas, coastal Peru, irrigated garden area in a very arid climate.

Posted by Paul Beuk on 20-01-2012 14:40

Ornidia is okay, but I expect Menno will tell you there may be several closely resembling species in the area.

Posted by Menno Reemer on 20-01-2012 17:08

There are several closely resembling species in the area! (I wonder how Paul manages to read my mind.)
They may be told apart from pictures sometimes, but not from this one, at least not by me.
Ornidia obesa is the most common species.

Posted by Paul Beuk on 20-01-2012 17:30

Menno Reemer wrote:
(I wonder how Paul manages to read my mind.)
A similar question was asked before and you gave that answer. I will not claim to have that knowledge myself and give you the proper credit this way. 'Ere wie ere toekomt.'