Thread subject: :: Allograpta sp., Zambia

Posted by Will van Niekerk on 18-01-2012 23:05

I had this very tentatively filed under Allograpta (as well as another individual in a neighbouring province) but having been promptly informed that one of my photographees was a Simosyrphus (nee Ischiodon) aegypti(c)us, I followed Simosyrphus to the gallery and found an image of a female "Ischiodon" aegypticus that seemed to me to have a lot in common with this one. Am I mistaken, or have I managed a matched pair?

Place: Chongwe District, Lusaka Province, Zambia.

Habitat: floundering in a swimming pool amongst an ornamental garden, similar individuals seen on flowering succulent on previous days (the same flowering succulent upon which this individual was photographed once evicted from the pool and put out to dry)

Date: 24-09-2011

Size: 10-11mm

Edited by Will van Niekerk on 19-01-2012 00:37

Posted by Gerard Pennards on 19-01-2012 00:22

This is a female Allograpta sp....

Posted by Will van Niekerk on 19-01-2012 00:34

I got one right! Of course, I then changed my mind, which rather defeats that, but I'm going to focus on the first bit to make myself feel better!

Thanks for pointing back in the right direction!