Thread subject: :: Simosyrphus aegyptius (f), Zambia

Posted by Will van Niekerk on 18-01-2012 22:21

It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a book in possession of user-friendly images, a broad entomological subject, an afrotropical geozone and a front cover featuring the word "Comprehensive", must be in want of a lawsuit for false advertising.

And so I am forced to parody a parody of repressed middle class english society (and not very well, either) to condemn Picker, Griffiths and Weaving; although their Field Guide to Insects of South Africa could not possibly be expected to be comprehensive, it irks me that it claims to be while containing one mere page on South African hoverflies. It irks me further that it is the only truly accessible guide pertaining to insects for muck of southern and central africa.

The point of this preamble is that the closest I can get, with my limited selection of books, to a genus for this particular hoverfly, is Allograpta. I have no idea whether this is close or miles off, as there are only seven adult hoverflies illustrated in the irksome book of question, and the next closest is miles away.

I'm hoping that, despite the out of focus image, you can help?

Place: Near Chomba (Kafue River), Central Province, Zambia.

Habitat: riverine scrub, amongst dry scrub.

Date: 14/10/2011

Size: 8-10mm.

Edited by Will van Niekerk on 19-01-2012 00:40

Posted by Gerard Pennards on 19-01-2012 00:23

Female Simosyrphus aegyptius...