Thread subject: :: Australian Syrphidae?

Posted by Graeme Cocks on 26-12-2011 04:14

This looks a lot like Syrphidae, but the DNA suggests it is some other family. Could the antenna be diagnostic?
Malaise trap, Townsville, Queensland.

Posted by John Carr on 26-12-2011 15:31

It has a spurious vein and resembles our northern hemisphere Chrysotoxum.

Posted by Paul Beuk on 26-12-2011 17:13

Ceriana or perhaps a related genus.

Posted by Gerard Pennards on 26-12-2011 21:31

Yes, it's a syrphid and Paul is right about the genus.
This is a Ceriana sp., probably something like Ceriana ornata but there are some more candidates which I don't know that well.

Posted by Graeme Cocks on 26-12-2011 22:08

Thanks John, Paul and Gerard.