Thread subject: :: 02 Syrphidae CZ

Posted by Pepik on 25-12-2011 21:28

Hello forum,
please help ID
Juli, size 12 mm, Czech republic
Thank you

Posted by Pepik on 25-12-2011 21:29


Posted by Pepik on 25-12-2011 21:30


Posted by Juergen Peters on 26-12-2011 04:03


It's a male Temnostoma vespiforme.

Posted by Andre on 06-01-2012 20:10

This one reminds me more of T. meridionalis! Compare with the pictures in the gallery:
The yellow spot before the alar lobes does not reach the alar lobes, which are black; the yellow streak at the suture interrupted in the middle. (In vespiforme it would be: The yellow spot before the alar lobes reaches and covers the lobes, which are partly yellow; the yellow streak at suture of the thoracic dorsum uninterrupted.)

Posted by Juergen Peters on 07-01-2012 04:38

Hello Andre,

thanks for your comment! I was not aware of that species, thought T. vespiforme was indistinguishable (so I even did not take a look at the gallery and replied to a Syrphidae post - which I normally leave to the experts... ;)). Now I see that T. meridionale is also listed for Germany. I will have to take a look at my own pictures of the species (perhaps plural...).