Thread subject: :: Eupeodes ?

Posted by pat_der2003 on 12-12-2011 19:53


Could it be Eupeodes ? and is it possible to go to species level ?

Loire-Atlantique, western France, May 28 2011.

Posted by PIERRE MILLE on 13-12-2011 09:13

Hello Patrick,

For me it's a Eupeodes.

Sympa ta photo :)

Posted by pat_der2003 on 13-12-2011 20:47

Many Thanks Pierre !! Is it possible to go further ? ;)

Merci Beaucoup Pierre !!! :) à ton avis est-il possible d'aller jusqu'à l'espèce ? ;)

Posted by PIERRE MILLE on 17-12-2011 19:22

Hi Patrick,
If I could see the Alula.
(1) - alula partly bare, partly covered with microtrichia ==> E. nielseni
(2) - alula entirely covered with microtrichia ==> E. luniger
(1) la partie nue de l'alula, en partie couverte avec microtriches
(2) l'alula entièrement recouverte de microtriches.

However the mark on the last tergite reminds me of E. corollae
Néanmoins la marque sur le dernier tergite me fait penser à [u]E. corollae

What do you think ? Qu'en penses tu ?;)

Posted by pat_der2003 on 22-12-2011 18:28

Hi Pierre,

In fact I asked Cyrille Dussaix who thinks as you do : E. corollae !!! :D

Posted by PIERRE MILLE on 22-12-2011 21:38

Hi Patrick,

This is excellent news, this is super great ! |t

Best regards

Posted by pat_der2003 on 26-12-2011 19:10
