Thread subject: :: No idea - perhaps Parasyrphus?

Posted by brigitteu on 10-12-2011 23:51


no idea and in addition these dark hind legs ?
any help would be appreciated.

Switzerland, near edge of wood and small wetland, 430 msm, 09.05.2010
second pic: other specimen from 14.05.2010 - hope it is the same species as first pic

Kind Regards, Brigitte

Edited by brigitteu on 11-12-2011 00:17

Posted by brigitteu on 11-12-2011 00:20


Posted by Ectemnius on 11-12-2011 12:32

This is no Parasyrphus. Oddly the species is identifiable, but in which genus it falls is ambiguous.
The black antennae, the black spot on the frons which reaches the lunula and the black haired scutellum make of this the species cinctella.
The genus in Dutch literature is Meliscaeva, in Van Veen 2004 the species is placed in the genus Episyrphus.
It's 'counterpart' which it is easily confused in both name and appearance is the species cincta. It has a yellow haired scutellum and yellow antennae. The genus however is with this species also unclear. Some place it in Melangyna, others in Meligramma and some even proposed the new genus of Fagysyrphus especially for this species.

Hope that helps,


Posted by brigitteu on 12-12-2011 22:17

Thanks a lot Ectemnius!

May I please make a recapitulation if I understood right?

species = cinctella
Genus, Dutch literature = Meliscaeva
Genus, Van Veen 2004 = Episyrphus

In the book "Hoverflies of Northwest Europe", M.P. van Veen (2004) I found: Episyrphus (Meliscaeva) cinctellus Zetterstedt
Is this name/ID correct or did I understood something completely wrong?

Thanks again, greetings, Brigitte