Thread subject: :: Eristalis to identify...

Posted by pilonm on 04-12-2011 17:08

Hello all,

Here is a female Syrphidae photographed in Quebec, Canada (near Vermont, USA) in July 3rd, 2010. I think it is from the genus Eristalis but not totally sure.

Can you help please to identify it (Genus, species)?

Thanks again for your precious help :)


Posted by Ectemnius on 05-12-2011 21:11

This is indeed a member of the Eristalis genus. However, the species is unclear.
Eristalis are hard to separate.

To me it looks like Eristalis nemorum, due to the short stigma. But I've never seen a specimen of that species quite so dark in combination with such a distinctivly marked wing.

The species whom has these characteristics combined somewhat is Eristalis cryptarum. I have only seen collected specimens with pale spots on tergite two. Never with tergite two entirely dark. The arista should be short haired in E. cryptarum, unfortunately that is not visible on this photo.

Hope that helps,


Posted by Menno Reemer on 07-12-2011 12:19

Although I hardly have experience with Nearctic Eristalis, I am quite certain that this is neither E. nemorum nor E. cryptarum.
Possibly, but far from certain, this is E. saxorum or E. obscura (= E. pseudorupium). I know the latter species from Europe, and here it looks a little different...

Posted by pilonm on 09-12-2011 23:59

Thank you to you for your appreciated help here.

As Menno I think it is E. obscura. The little stigma (which seems to eliminate E. saxorum) points me to 3 Eristalis in my region: E. obscura, E. interrupta and E. hirta but E. obscura is far more common than the 2 others (in Quebec).



Posted by John Carr on 10-12-2011 00:23

The guide to Eristalis of Ontario should work in Quebec. http://www.canaco...stalis.htm