Thread subject: :: Rhagio

Posted by Gintautas Steiblys on 03-12-2011 10:57


can you tell which species Rhagio here?
Maybe Rhagio tringarius ?

Edited by Gintautas Steiblys on 03-12-2011 10:59

Posted by tristram on 03-12-2011 23:02

The clear wings and colourless stigma do suggest R. tringarius. The other possibility listed in 'British Soldierflies and their Allies' is R. annulatus which is a mainly woodland species (tringarius being mostly found in open marshes). I am not sure how relevant this is in Lithuania though.

Nice picture.

Posted by Gintautas Steiblys on 04-12-2011 00:58

I it took a photo of a former quarry in the outskirts. I think that there will probably be R. tringarius..

Thanks, Tristram

Edited by Gintautas Steiblys on 04-12-2011 01:04

Posted by libor on 04-12-2011 01:16

I would say annulatus from this single picture. Try this: Coxa 1 grey goes to annulatus...

Posted by Gintautas Steiblys on 04-12-2011 11:03

Really like, thank you Libor