Thread subject: :: Anthomyiidae #1 from 30.11.11: all Mycophaga testacea? --> not all

Posted by Juergen Peters on 02-12-2011 18:52


These rather large (8-9 mm) Anthomyiids were numerous on fence stakes two days ago (northwest Germany).

Edited by Juergen Peters on 04-12-2011 19:26

Posted by Juergen Peters on 02-12-2011 18:53

Pic #2

Posted by Juergen Peters on 02-12-2011 18:53

Pic #3

Posted by Juergen Peters on 02-12-2011 18:54

Pic #4

Posted by Stephen R on 03-12-2011 12:26

I think you are right with Mycophaga, though the first one seems very dark.

Posted by Stephen R on 03-12-2011 13:06

Perhaps the first is a female Hydrophoria linogrisea?

Posted by nielsyese on 03-12-2011 15:41

Stephen R wrote:
Perhaps the first is a female Hydrophoria linogrisea?

It is more like a female Hylemya vagans.

Posted by Stephen R on 04-12-2011 12:59

The disc of the scutellum looks too hairy for Hylemya, and there are hairs between the presutural acrostichals.

Posted by Juergen Peters on 04-12-2011 19:25

Hi all!

Thank you for your comments.

Stephen R wrote:
I think you are right with Mycophaga, though the first one seems very dark.

Yes, I was not sure, if the abdomen was orange coloured. But at first it seemed to me so.