Thread subject: :: Episyrphus balteatus

Posted by Manuel Lopez on 28-11-2011 20:10

Little syrphidae (15 mm.) on ivy flowers.

Granada - S Spain - November 27, 2011


Edited by Manuel Lopez on 30-11-2011 22:40

Posted by Paul Beuk on 28-11-2011 20:22

Episyrphus balteatus

Posted by Gerrit Oehm on 28-11-2011 21:23

Yes, its The Marmelade hoverfly - Episyrphus balteatus; The colour can vary due to the temperature during the developement of the cocoon/pupa (How do you call it for hoverflys?)

Posted by Andre on 28-11-2011 21:51

15mm is not small, for a hoverfly, it is big! :D
This one must have been around 11 mm?
Estimating sizes is not so easy ;)

Posted by Manuel Lopez on 28-11-2011 22:53

Yes, indeed, you're right. The size is probably around 11-12 mm. Thanks