Thread subject: :: Two flies

Posted by Dmitry Gavryushin on 19-11-2006 17:26

These pictures were taken by a friend of mine in Moscow region and he asked me to try to ID these. I think No. 1 is Anthomyidae.

Posted by Dmitry Gavryushin on 19-11-2006 17:27

And No. 2 a Tachinidae?

Posted by crex on 19-11-2006 17:32

#2: Pollenia sp? (Calliphoridae)

Posted by Kahis on 19-11-2006 18:08

I'd say 1) Helina (Muscidae) 2) obviously Pollenia (Calliphoridae)

Posted by Dmitry Gavryushin on 20-11-2006 09:31

Thanks a lot crex and Jere.