Thread subject: :: Kiefferulus tendipediformis (Goetghebuer) (cf.) - Chironomidae

Posted by Carlo Monari on 09-11-2011 22:10

On the glass of a window of a country house near Monteguidi, SI, Tuscany (Italy). Length 7mm. Picture taken on 06/11/2011.

Edited by Carlo Monari on 16-11-2013 23:57

Posted by John Carr on 09-11-2011 23:33

Chironomini. Probably near Chironomus. A closeup of the tail would help.

Posted by Carlo Monari on 10-11-2011 08:45

I don't know why, but yesterday evening I was unable to attach other images. Now I'll try again with tail details.

...Nothing. I hit the button 'choose file', then I choose the file and its name appears at the side of the button, but if I hit 'preview' or if I submit the thread the image does not appear. Somebody can explain me why?

Edited by Carlo Monari on 10-11-2011 08:49

Posted by Stephen R on 10-11-2011 11:15

If you hit 'preview' the attachment is lost and must be re-done before you post.

Posted by Carlo Monari on 10-11-2011 21:37

Yes, I already noticed that. The problem is that I loose the attachment even when I post immediately after having chosen the file.
It happened just now; before posting this message - now I am editing it - I tried once more to attach the details of the tail of this mosquito.

Edited by Carlo Monari on 10-11-2011 21:40

Posted by Carlo Monari on 10-11-2011 21:42

Another trial
I just tried to attach an image already posted, and the attachment succeeded. It looks like the problem lies in the images I try to post. But they are standard 760x512 jpg files smaller than 195k, I don't understand.

Edited by Carlo Monari on 10-11-2011 21:50

Posted by Paul Beuk on 10-11-2011 21:54

Did you remove spaces from the file name?

Posted by Carlo Monari on 10-11-2011 21:58

If this doesn't succeed, I'll quit

Posted by Carlo Monari on 10-11-2011 22:00

Wow! It was the filename; a little bit too long and with a space. From now on, I'll pay attention to it.
Very similiar to the previous image, I have this detail too from another shot:

Edited by Carlo Monari on 10-11-2011 22:01

Posted by John Carr on 10-11-2011 23:21

Possibly Kiefferulus tendipediformis (Goetghebuer). I don't have a description of the overall appearance of the species. It is the only European species of the Chironomus genus group that has extremely large inferior volsellae (the swollen parts between the outer claspers of the male terminalia). The photo of the male parts looks slightly different from the illustration I have. The wingtips should have hairs on the membrane.

Being in Europe you should have easier access to a description of the species. The original was probably in French.

This is my local species of Kiefferulus:

Posted by Carlo Monari on 11-11-2011 00:35

Thank you John.
I'll try to get something on this subject.