Thread subject: :: Bibio-like, but no idea what it really is

Posted by Jan Zwaaneveld on 17-11-2006 20:12

Photographed today at Leerdam, Netherland.
Nrs. 1 and 2 are the same individual, nr. 3 is another individual, but it looked very similar to me.
Pretty small flies, about 6-7 mm (? guess).

Could anyone say something about it? Thanks in advance!

Posted by Jan Zwaaneveld on 17-11-2006 20:12

photo 2

Posted by Jan Zwaaneveld on 17-11-2006 20:12

photo 3

Posted by Paul Beuk on 17-11-2006 21:26

I'd say rather 'a-typical' Chironomidae...

Posted by Juergen Peters on 17-11-2006 21:27

Hello, Jan!

Dilophus febrilis females? But better wait for the experts.

Posted by Paul Beuk on 17-11-2006 21:30

Definitely not Bibionidae. ;)

Posted by Jan Zwaaneveld on 17-11-2006 21:35

The more flies I try to identify, the more respect I get for the experts on this site :(
Fortunately I can still say I'm just a beginner.
Thank you, Paul and Juergen!

Posted by Juergen Peters on 17-11-2006 21:40

Hello, Paul!

Paul Beuk wrote:
I'd say rather 'a-typical' Chironomidae...

That would have been my second guess B) (overlapping posts).

Posted by Xespok on 18-11-2006 08:43

Female Chironomidae, I would say this midge looks rather typical, as far as the black female Chironomids (many many species) are concerned.