Thread subject: :: Unknown fly

Posted by Larry Shone on 29-10-2011 22:01

I just spotted this tiny fella outside on the doorframe. He or she is about 1cm long.

Canon 30D + 100mm macro lens, 270EX flash on C bracket.

Posted by Sara21392 on 29-10-2011 22:27

I think Syrphidae!

Posted by Larry Shone on 29-10-2011 23:05

Sara21392 wrote:
I think Syrphidae!

Ah, a hoverfly!

Posted by Larry Shone on 30-10-2011 16:21

Brachypalpoides? The only one I can find online is B.lenta, but I didnt see a red abdomen!

Posted by Sara21392 on 30-10-2011 18:48

One for Andre! ;)

Posted by Roger Thomason on 30-10-2011 19:08

Maybe a Platycheirus albimanus (female)...but just guessing as usual. :|

Posted by Andre on 06-11-2011 21:16

Looks like a correct ID by my friend Rogerita.
But the picture is not very good... It is a Platycheirus, that is sure.

PS: 1 cm is NOT tiny :P