Posted by Juergen Peters on 22-06-2005 22:18
This small (5-6 mm) fly I found today here in Ostwestfalen/Germany. Can it be identified from the photo?
And here another one. Am I right, when I call it
Urophora stylata?
Thanks in advance for every reply!
Posted by Juergen Peters on 23-06-2005 18:34
Hello, Ben!
Ben Hamers wrote:
I think all three of them are U. stylata.
Thanks! Now, that you say it... I have never seen
U. stylata with closed wings. X-)
Posted by John Smit on 27-06-2005 09:38
Dear Juergen,
It is without a doubt
Urophora stylata, all of them. They often sit and walk around plants and flowers with closed wings. They 'll only display their wings if another specimen is encountered.
Best wishes,