Thread subject: :: Late Syrphids (24.10.11)

Posted by Juergen Peters on 25-10-2011 23:24


Yesterday afternoon at 12 °C and a strong wind there were only 4 Syrphidae species around here (northwest Germany) on meadows and forest borders. It was not surprising to find Eristalis tenax sunbathing on leafs and a single Episyrphus balteatus female (no photo) and some Sphaerophoria scripta males visiting composite flowers. But I had never seen a Myathropa florea so late in autumn. Does this species also tend to overwinter as adult in central Europe like its cousin E. tenax (10 years ago I only very sporadicly found that species in winter hideouts, now it is a regular flyer on warm winter days from November to February)?

Posted by Juergen Peters on 25-10-2011 23:25

Eristalis tenax male.

Posted by Juergen Peters on 25-10-2011 23:25

Sphaerophoria scripta male.