Thread subject: :: Dolichopodidae, Sciapodinae

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 14-11-2006 14:01

Hello from Thailand. 14 Nov, 7-8mm.
I hope this large male with visible weapon on middle leg may be theoreticaly ID till species.
And practicaly?
If not, nice fly anyway:o

Posted by Juergen Peters on 14-11-2006 20:12

Hello, Nikita!

I have no idea about the species, just want to express my admiration for this wonderful photo and wonderful fly :D

Posted by Tony Irwin on 14-11-2006 21:44

Hi Nikita - great shot! Getting the body and the middle leg in focus is what we come to expect of you! :p
We are all looking forward to your trip to Thailand. Have fun!

Posted by rvanderweele on 14-11-2006 21:50

just fantastic!

Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 15-11-2006 01:52

thailand? You travel a lot!!! :|

Fabulous Dolichopodidae! photograph some spiders, please. :)

Posted by conopid on 15-11-2006 10:59

That's an excellent shot of a fabulous fly!:)

Posted by Xespok on 15-11-2006 11:00

Very similar species occur en masse in Japan. As far as I know they are Sciapus spp. There are many similar species unfortunately.

Posted by Igor Grichanov on 15-11-2006 11:03

Hi, Nikita!
Good start. This is a representative of quite numerous in Australasia genus Chrysosoma, most probably leucopogon group of species. The midleg is rather species-specific. Unfortunately, taxonomists professional in Oriental Dolis are still not registered here.
Best wishes,

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 15-11-2006 14:01

Thank you for your messages about photo, nice fly, not photografer.
Thank you Igor, Chrysosoma cf leucopogon! (Asislidsae-like name, doesn't it?).

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 15-11-2006 14:05

Thank you all.
Thank you Igor.
Chrysosoma cf leucopogon! (Very Asilidae name!)

Posted by Igor Grichanov on 15-11-2006 15:25

Chrysosoma leucopogon group of many species, but certainly not Chrysosoma leucopogon.

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 16-11-2006 15:30

OK, thank you Igor.