Thread subject: :: Eristalis, broad face -> E. pertinax

Posted by brigitteu on 09-10-2011 22:39


With this Eristalis I don't come to a result. Hairy specimen, broad face, small stripe, colour more reddisch-brown then normaly seen, hairy eyes, arista feathery, broad stigma . . . :o
no further pics, pics of wings are missing :-(

Switzerland, 04.09.2011, 430 msm, balcony

Thanks a lot for any help and hints! Kind regards, Brigitte

Edited by brigitteu on 10-10-2011 22:41

Posted by brigitteu on 09-10-2011 22:42


Posted by brigitteu on 09-10-2011 22:46


Posted by brigitteu on 09-10-2011 22:46


Posted by brigitteu on 09-10-2011 22:48


Posted by Pierre-Yves on 10-10-2011 19:46

Hi Brigitte,

Here we don't need to see the wings, we see very well the long-haired arista, the black strip can be considerate "hardly-visible" (invisible on the first picture) .... THUS it's Eristalis arbustorum :)



Posted by brigitteu on 10-10-2011 21:14

Hi Pierre-Yves

never thought of E.arbustorum with this face :-( Thanks very much too for this ID and details!


Posted by Pierre-Yves on 10-10-2011 21:40

WWWWOooohhhhh ! :o :S I'm sorry ! I made a big mistake ! :(
I had not seen the yellow tarsae of the first and second leg !!! I was concentrated to much on the picture of the face !

So we have an other specie with hardly visible Black strip ... Eristalis pertinax !!!! (like in your precedent treat)

Futhermore abdomen spot don't correspond to E. arbsutorum ! It's a shame !

I think it's time to go to bed ! Tomorrow is another day ! :)

Sorry again


Edited by Pierre-Yves on 10-10-2011 21:55

Posted by brigitteu on 10-10-2011 22:40

a big smiling in my face :) quickly change titel into E.pertinax ;)
E.pertinax is still far away from my face-average-experience, but much better than E.arbustorum, thanks, you puted my Eristalis world back to normal ;)

Kind regards, Brigitte

Edit: also from me: don't worry about: your help,your advice and ID's are highly appreciated!

Edited by brigitteu on 11-10-2011 17:40

Posted by Piluca_Alvarez on 11-10-2011 07:38

Totally agree with P-Y in Eristalis pertinax :) Pictures are superb showing the front and second yellow tarsi. Great job, Brigitte! ;)

P-Y, don't worry about the slip. It happens all the time ;) I still don't know anybody who hasn't said 'oops!' at least once in their lives after certain ID.