Thread subject: :: French Guianan syrphid

Posted by ChrisR on 09-10-2011 19:46

This looks like a really distinctive syrphid but can it be identified - photo by Stephane Brule :)

Edited by ChrisR on 09-10-2011 19:47

Posted by Gerard Pennards on 09-10-2011 20:23

Ahhh, nice!
First impression, a male Quichuana dolorosa or something close!

Posted by Pierre-Yves on 09-10-2011 20:42

Hi Chris

Helophilus like nervation, elongate attennae, male with pilose eyes, thickened hind femora and arcuate tibiae lead me to Quichuana genera.
I just found this document : THE GENUS QUICHUANA KNAB


(Arff ! Gerard answered before me !)

Edited by Pierre-Yves on 09-10-2011 20:48

Posted by Gerard Pennards on 09-10-2011 21:30

Sorry P-Y :-))
Second thought, indeed a male Quichuana, but more likely to be Quichuana auratus.

Posted by ChrisR on 09-10-2011 22:01

Thanks guys - that fits the key nicely :D