Thread subject: :: Eristalis tenax - all of them? -> yes

Posted by brigitteu on 06-10-2011 22:58


trying to "iD" different Eristalis, to look after the right details I would be very happy If anybody could control my tries. Confirm or adjust.
According to result of this tries, if well done, I can feel more sure in future for own Eristalis ID's in some clear cases.

Thanks a lot! Brigitte

E. tenax: Date and ID is noted direct on photos.

Edited by brigitteu on 08-10-2011 14:22

Posted by brigitteu on 06-10-2011 22:58


Posted by Piluca_Alvarez on 07-10-2011 06:55

Hi once more Brigitte! :D

Second picture is an E. tenax, yes. No shadow of doubt ;) Double vertical bands of hairs on the eyes and broad 3rd tibia.

The general aspect of the first picture fits with tenax, altough I cannot see any of the features that make me be sure about the ID.

Posted by Pierre-Yves on 07-10-2011 20:01

Hi everybodies,

For me the first specimen is an E. tenax too ! ;)


Posted by brigitteu on 08-10-2011 14:22

Thanks Piluca :-)
and Pierre-Yves too for confirmation :)
broad 3rd tibia is a new detail (for me) and is well noted :-)

Edited by brigitteu on 08-10-2011 14:22