Thread subject: :: Eristalis interrupta - all of them? -> yes

Posted by brigitteu on 06-10-2011 22:56


trying to "iD" different Eristalis, to look after the right details I would be very happy If anybody could control my tries. Confirm or adjust.
According to result of this tries, if well done, I can feel more sure in future for own Eristalis ID's in some clear cases.

Thanks a lot! Brigitte

E. interrupta: Date and ID is noted direct on photos.

Edited by brigitteu on 10-10-2011 21:03

Posted by brigitteu on 06-10-2011 22:57


Posted by Piluca_Alvarez on 07-10-2011 06:58

Sorry, Brigitte. For E. interrupta I rely enterely on the stigmas amd I cannot see them properly. At least I cannot see the classical interrupta stigma.

Hope somebody can say something more gratifying :D and provide more ID tips to confirm your ID :)

Posted by Pierre-Yves on 07-10-2011 20:14

Hi Brigitte,

I agree with Piluca, it can be E. abusiva !


Posted by Piluca_Alvarez on 07-10-2011 21:25

Oh, yes! E. abusiva! :) Second tibia very pale! I missed that!! Well spotted, Pierre-Yves!! :)

Posted by brigitteu on 08-10-2011 14:29

Thank you Piluca and Pierre-Yves!

About E. abusiva I know nothing, I have to go through the literature :-) your answers give me: stigma about like E.interrupta and very pale second tibia . . .
I will look for the original pics, perhaps I can show more details . . .

PS: checklist Syrphidae Switzerland I use, has no E.abusiva listed . . . :-) I'll return with new material if possible . . .

Edited by brigitteu on 08-10-2011 14:32

Posted by Pierre-Yves on 09-10-2011 14:56

Hi Brigitte and Piluca

Here is my personnal little key to differentiate E. interrupta, E. abusiva and E. arbustorum :

- Black vertical strip in the middle of the face present => E. interrupta
- Black vertical strip in the middle of the face absent or hardly visible => 2

- Short haired arista => E. abusiva
- Long haired arista => E. arbustorum

On the picture 2 we can see short haired arista than lead to me to eliminate E. arbustorum.
We don't see the black vertical strip BUT for E. interrupta this strip is not wide like in E. tenax (or like E. jugorum in your precendent treat) and can not appear on picture.
So, with this pictures, it could be E. interrupta or E. abusiva. We need a picture of the face where we can see (or not) the strip ;)


Edited by Pierre-Yves on 09-10-2011 14:57

Posted by brigitteu on 09-10-2011 22:31

Thanks a lot for your personal key!
That should be the face of this specimen, with strip, "broad" stripe. It is very interesting to work out, to learn!

Do you have a checklist where E. abusiva is listed for Switzerland?

(Some minutes ago of this pics I had another Eristalis, which I come to no result -> I'll pack it in a new posting)

Posted by Pierre-Yves on 10-10-2011 20:31

Hi Brigitte

Here we see the black vertical strip THUS it's Eristalis interrupta (if it's the same specimen than the specimen above ! ;) )
I have not checklist where E. abusiva is listed for Switzerland, I don't know if this specie is present in your country.


Posted by brigitteu on 10-10-2011 21:06

Hi Pierre-Yves

yes, it is the same specimen. Thanks very much again for confirmation and details!