Thread subject: :: Eristalis jugorum - all of them? -> yes

Posted by brigitteu on 06-10-2011 22:44


trying to "iD" different Eristalis, to look after the right details I would be very happy If anybody could control my tries. Confirm or adjust.
According to result of this tries, if well done, I can feel more sure in future for own Eristalis ID's in some clare cases.

Thanks a lot! Brigitte

E. jugorum: 3 different photos. Date and ID is noted direct on photos.

Edited by brigitteu on 08-10-2011 14:40

Posted by brigitteu on 06-10-2011 22:46


Posted by brigitteu on 06-10-2011 22:48


Posted by Piluca_Alvarez on 07-10-2011 07:02

OMG! I cannot say with the female pictures but the first one IS INDEED an E. jugorum in my opinion!! I haven't found one yet! :@

Front femora with long black hairs is the most reliable feature with this one and it can be seen veru well in your picture :)

Posted by brigitteu on 08-10-2011 14:01

Second pic has yellow hairs on front femora (female) instead of the black from male. Not very well visible, but they are there. I took only one pic/specimen to show so I had the andvantage to see a little bit more at my display with the choice of several pics. Pic 3: decision due to the hairs on front femura, whole habitus and the long drawn special face . . .

I'll change the titel into confirmation and hope of any correction if needed.

I'm living down at sea level (430 msm), but on the other side there are hills which are going up to 1000 msm. I belive that this is the reason that we do have E.jugorum here. Good luck for you to find them to!

Edited by brigitteu on 08-10-2011 14:39