Thread subject: :: Melanostoma mellinum to confirm from N Spain, please

Posted by Marian on 05-10-2011 20:28

Hi, Syrphid-lovers! :)

One to confirm, a Melanostoma mellinum from Oviedo, N Spain, taken on may the 16th, on the plants by a little brook.

It's the first time I come across something looking close enough to Melanostoma mellinum, so I'm not sure at all of a correct identification. I have more views, just in case they are necessary.

Thanks a lot in advance for any help!!!

Posted by Auratus on 06-10-2011 13:28

Hello Marian,

The spots on the abdomen are not triangular, so it is not Melanostoma. This is a Platycheirus male, unfortunately i am not (yet) able to identify them from a photograph. Hopefully someone else can

Edited by Auratus on 06-10-2011 13:29

Posted by Marian on 06-10-2011 14:18

Oh My!!! :o

What a silly mistake!!! Anyway, if it is Platycheirus, I suppose more pictures should be added with information on details... to start with, of the front legs (I had not noticed the characteristic shape!)

Still, the list of Platycheirus in Spain is too long, and I doubt this will be identified... but hope always exists. ;)

I'll add more pics when I can. Thanks a pile for the help, Jan!!!

Posted by Pierre-Yves on 06-10-2011 19:16

Hi everybodies,

The spots on the abdomen are not triangular, so it is not Melanostoma.

Triangular spots are present only on the female abdomen of Melanostoma species. For male specimen of this genera, the orange spots are squared (or rectangular). ;) So, this specimen can be a male of Melanostoma species.
Other pictures would be welcome to identify genera and (may be) the species : profil and face of the head and fore leg. The size could be an argument to differenciate Melanostoma species.


Edited by Pierre-Yves on 06-10-2011 19:31

Posted by Marian on 06-10-2011 21:29

Well, here it goes a first picture of the same specimen. Fore leg and the face can be seen, so I hope this helps, Pierre-Yves.

Looking at the legs, it doesn't look like Platycheirus really. On the other hand, as far as I know we only have M. mellinum and scalare in Spain, so I hope this is not difficult to confirm, if finally it really es Melanostoma.

Thank you again for any help!!! And for the lessons, I'm learning... ;)

Posted by Auratus on 06-10-2011 21:42

Oeps, i will keep my mouth shut for a little while. Pierre-Yves is absolutely right of course.:S

Posted by Pierre-Yves on 07-10-2011 19:34

Don't worry Jan, with the first picture some Platycheirus were possible like P. angustatus or P. clypeatus (even if hind femora are very yellow).
So, Melanostoma is confirmed ! I would have said Melanostoma scalare for the yellow hind femora.


Posted by Piluca_Alvarez on 07-10-2011 21:03

Hi, all!!

Isn't the abdomen too broad for Melanostoma scalare? I always had the feeling that male M. scalare has a very slender abdomen :S

Posted by Pierre-Yves on 08-10-2011 13:20

I'm not sure for M. scalare ! ;)
To identify my Melanostoma specimen I use the body size (length) and color of the face :
M. scalare : 7-8mm and dusty face
M. mellinum : 6-7mm and no dusty face