Thread subject: :: Xanthogramma for ID?

Posted by CONDAMARTA on 05-10-2011 20:15

Location: Galicia , Spain.
Date: 05/10/2011.
On a road between market gardens.

Could be Xanthogramma pedissequum?

Posted by Pierre-Yves on 06-10-2011 12:19


The genera Xanthogramma is being revised. So, with this picture it's impossible to differentiate X. pedissequum, X. dives and X. stackelbergi. May be have you others pictures ?


P.S. : All the elements which we can see here lead me to X. dives (if this specie name is accepted), but this is just a supposition ;)

Posted by CONDAMARTA on 08-10-2011 00:19

I have no more pictures, but I will try to capture some specimen and add it to a new thread.