Thread subject: :: asilidae from Turkey

Posted by rvanderweele on 12-11-2006 00:29

I received a collected asilid, which is in a rather poor condition. I have keys for Western Europe, incl France, but so information about species from the Mediterranean.
In case you need fews from a special detail let me know.

Posted by rvanderweele on 12-11-2006 00:31

another photo

Posted by rvanderweele on 12-11-2006 00:32

and the wing

Posted by Paul Beuk on 12-11-2006 00:46

It is a bombyliid, presumably of the genus Cyrtherea (see http://www.dipter...ad_id=2364.

Posted by rvanderweele on 12-11-2006 00:50

Paul, I was chocked. Okay, I drank two glasses of wine, but suddenly my message was gone.
Don`t you think that the specimen is in such a bad state, that it can`t be determined. The guy asked for a name.

Posted by rvanderweele on 12-11-2006 00:55

I see the genus is very rich in species. I see why I did not recognize it, since it does not occur in Central Europe at all.

Posted by Paul Beuk on 12-11-2006 01:03

rvanderweele wrote:
Paul, I was chocked. Okay, I drank two glasses of wine, but suddenly my message was gone.

Well, actually, your message was there in duplicate, one with the images, one without. The one without was deleted. The one with was moved from the Asilidae forum to the Diptera (adults) forum. Sometimes I am just faster than that shadow that people can see. ;)