Thread subject: :: Clearwing moths from Lesbos

Posted by nick upton on 28-09-2011 14:21

Does anyone know this group well...? They all look rather similar to me, so I can't be sure of my ID's.

I think this first one is Chamaesphecia masariformis - can anyone confirm?

31.5.11 c10mm Lesbos, Greece.

Posted by nick upton on 28-09-2011 14:24

This one, I'm much less sure of. Maybe Chamaesphecia astatiformis, though my moth doesn't quite match images I've found, though it could be variable in pattern. Any other ideas out there?

3.6.11 c 10mm Lesbos, Greece (very close to Turkey).

Posted by Cesa on 28-09-2011 21:22

I agree with the ID of the first image.

Posted by nick upton on 28-09-2011 21:48

Thanks Cesa. That was the "easy' one, but good it's good to get confirmation, but the 2nd one is harder, for you too it seems!

Posted by Cesa on 28-09-2011 22:02

Details in your image clear enough, but sometimes this is not sufficient for a precise ID. I think the problem, we have not so good image of C.astatiformis accessable in the internet, so that we compare it with your specimen.

Posted by nick upton on 28-09-2011 22:16

Thanks again. Yes, I struggled to find really clear images to check mine against. The ones I found of C. astatiformis looked quite similar, but hard to say if the match was exact! I'm not even sure i have the genus right, as some Synanthedon spp. look quite similar too.