Thread subject: :: Melanostoma mellinum? (Melanostoma mellinum(female)

Posted by Mucha Fero on 28-09-2011 06:44

Melanostoma mellinum(female) is the correct name? Thank you very much. Slovak Republik, Terchová region on the Malá Fatra, approximately 700 m above sea level 26.09.2011.

Edited by Mucha Fero on 05-02-2012 19:02

Posted by Mucha Fero on 28-09-2011 06:44

[quote]Mucha Fero wrote:

Posted by Pierre-Yves on 28-09-2011 18:49

Hi Mucha Fero

Melanostoma is always hard to identify. This time I would have said M. scalare, but I'm not sure.


Posted by Mucha Fero on 28-09-2011 20:18

Pierre-Yves wrote:
Hi Mucha Fero

Melanostoma is always hard to identify. This time I would have said M. scalare, but I'm not sure.


P-Y thank you very much.

Posted by Robert Zoralski on 03-02-2012 23:00

I think it is M. mellinum - female because of the shape of spots and the shape of abnomen. Dusting area on frons looks like a flash reflex for me...

Posted by Mucha Fero on 05-02-2012 19:02

Robert Zoralski wrote:
I think it is M. mellinum - female because of the shape of spots and the shape of abnomen. Dusting area on frons looks like a flash reflex for me...

Robert thank you very much.