Thread subject: :: small dark fly from Thuringia

Posted by Sundew on 28-09-2011 00:38

This is a small fly from Rudolstadt, Thuringia, seen on 5th August 2010. Leg colouration somehow recalls Piophilidae, but it is not so shiny and the eyes are not red. So please help me to a family and, if possible, further.
Many thanks, Sundew

Posted by Paul Beuk on 28-09-2011 08:41

Sepsidae. I think Saltella sphondylii.

Posted by Sundew on 28-09-2011 12:33

Many thanks indeed! I did not think of Sepsidae because I always expect them to show wing-waving, and I did not think of Saltella, because I forgot how variable colouration is (here -http://www.dipter...d_id=19937 - it looked much more reddish). So a very dark Saltella here.