Thread subject: :: Helophilus /Parhelophilus sp. from Lesbos

Posted by nick upton on 22-09-2011 20:11

Can anyone say what species this syrphid might be? A Helophilus sp. I think, but I can't find one that it matches; closest to H. trivittatus maybe, but probably something else..

31.5.11 c9mm Isle of Lesbos, Greece (very near coast of Turkey).

Edited by nick upton on 28-09-2011 23:07

Posted by nick upton on 28-09-2011 23:07

Or could it be a Parhelophilus sp?

Posted by Paul Beuk on 29-09-2011 11:07

Helophilus, I'd say. Perhaps a darkish pendulus?

Posted by Andre on 29-09-2011 11:30

It is a very dark H. trivittatus female.

Posted by nick upton on 29-09-2011 19:40

Many thanks Paul and Andre. Looks like my first instinct was right, but the dark form ensured it didn't match any photos I could find. I wonder if that's a regional form for Lesbos/Turkey, but I didn't get any other shots to compare it with.

Posted by Andre on 01-10-2011 23:11

No, it can occur anywhere :)