Thread subject: :: Face H.trivittatus

Posted by brigitteu on 22-09-2011 18:29


searching a close shot of face of H.trivittatus in Gallery, I could not found one . . .

Switzerland, 430 msm, 20.09.2011, near small private garden biotope

Is this really Helophilus trivittatus (female: pic 1, male: pic 3 ?) and would a face-pic be welcome for Gallery?

Thanks and best regards, Brigitte

Edited by brigitteu on 22-09-2011 18:36

Posted by brigitteu on 22-09-2011 18:30


Posted by brigitteu on 22-09-2011 18:30


Posted by Piluca_Alvarez on 24-09-2011 19:07

Hi, Brigitte!

As far as I know your Helophilus is indeed Helophilus trivittatus. But I cannot tell if pic 3 is a male. I cannot recognize them just for the face :@

About your question about the galley, I guess a shot of the face showing the yellowish line would be very welcome :) ;)

Edited by Piluca_Alvarez on 24-09-2011 19:09

Posted by blowave on 24-09-2011 19:36

pic 3 is a male, the eyes are more or less parallel at the top before they diverge, the gap between them is also less than on the female. The female's eyes diverge gradually.

Janet :)

Posted by brigitteu on 25-09-2011 18:40

Hi Piluca, thanks a lot! :-)
Hi Janet, thanks a lot too, very well to know as from now the different details :-)