Thread subject: :: Blue Calliphorid ID? => Melinda sp

Posted by tristram on 18-09-2011 18:53

A blue Calliphorid photographed in Barnard Castle, County Durham, UK, on 2010-08-06.
I suspect it might be a female Melinda viridicyanea. Can anyone confirm this?

My suspicion is based on the following reasoning:

It looks very similar to this female M. viridicyanea:

And to this Melinda sp:

But the scutum seems too hairy and the cross-vein on the wing too straight for this female Protophormia terraenovae:

There are only 2 Melinda sp on the UK list: M. viridicyanea and M. gentilis. The photos in the gallery suggest that gentilis is less blue the fly in my photos.

Edited by tristram on 18-09-2011 19:57

Posted by tristram on 18-09-2011 18:55

A slightly different angle and focus:

Posted by Zeegers on 18-09-2011 19:37

It is a Melinda indeed and both are very similar.
Colouration is not very constant in Calliphoridae, I would not rely on that.


Posted by tristram on 18-09-2011 19:45

Thanks Theo. I'll just call it a Melinda sp. then, and I'll remember that point about colouration.