Thread subject: :: Eupeodes to ID from N Spain, please

Posted by Marian on 16-09-2011 22:27

Hi, Syrphid-lovers! :)

I think this dainty lady is an Eupeodes and somebody told me (;)) she might be Eupeodes luniger. Is it so?

Thank you very much for any information about my doubts!


Posted by Marian on 16-09-2011 22:30

Another view, showing face and legs, just in case there is useful information there

Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 16-09-2011 23:35

do not forget putting the date (at least month).

Edited by jorgemotalmeida on 17-09-2011 11:46

Posted by Marian on 17-09-2011 07:43

I'm awfully sorry, I added this thread in a rush and forgot to write the information!!! :(

Taken in a park in the outskirts of Oviedo, N Spain, in middle July this year

Posted by Andre on 17-09-2011 18:30

It is not possible to give this a waterproof ID, I am sorry. It is close to E. luniger, that is correct, but it may be another species that can only be ID'd by means of a collected specimen.

Posted by Marian on 23-09-2011 15:13

Thank you, André, and sorry to be so late answering... I've been away from here for a few days.

So, this means Eupeodes luniger never can be told for sure unless it's collected? Or are there other possibilities, for example, males can be identified by photo?

Anyway, I'm happy enough with the labelling "Eupeodes cf. luniger". :) I know Eupeodes is an awkward group to tell the species apart.



Posted by Andre on 24-09-2011 21:31

In this case c.f. Sometimes it is more clear. But Eupeodes can be very variable.
Do you have other pictures of this specimen?

Posted by Marian on 27-09-2011 11:59

Hi, André!

Yes, I have more pictures... but depending on what you'd like to see maybe they are not good enough. :(

Please tell me what you need to see... I'd be over the Moon if finally it can be confirmed with other views. :)


Posted by Andre on 27-09-2011 13:26

One like the first picture, but without moving wings, so there is a better view on the venation.
One from the side, hopefully with good view on the scutellum.
One from below, for a better view on the sternites.


Posted by Marian on 28-09-2011 22:09

Well, Andre, here you have a view of the venation. :)

Posted by Marian on 28-09-2011 22:14

And this is the best I have from bellow... but I doubt it will help at all. :-(

No luck with a better view of the scutellum, the best I have is the first picture of this thread. :-(

It was a very dull day, and as I take all my pictures handheld the results were poor due to my shaking hands. :(

If you can't get any further information from these new pics, I'll be happy with the "cf" and anyway I thank you deeply for the effort you are doing with this Eupeodes. :)