Thread subject: :: Riponnensia splendens to confirm, please (N Spain) -> confirmed

Posted by Marian on 15-09-2011 22:03

Hi everybody!

Here I have a Syrphid that I was told it might be Riponnensia splendens. Is that right? The pictures are not precisely fantastic (:() but I hope they are enough to confirm the ID... I hope it is Riponnensia, it would be a lifer. :)

Picture taken last May in Gijón Botanical Gardens, N Spain.

Thanks a pile in advance for any help!


Edited by Marian on 15-09-2011 23:43

Posted by Marian on 15-09-2011 22:06

Another view, even worse quality but shows better the thorax:

Posted by Andre on 15-09-2011 22:29

The pictures are good enough to confirm your ID.
And tell me please, do you live there? Are you interested to also learn to collect Syrphidae (and/or other diptera)?

Posted by Marian on 15-09-2011 22:48

WOW, that was quick, André, thanks a million for the confirmation!!! :)

As for your question, I'm afraid I have a serious problem from an entomological point of view: I'm unable to kill insects or any other living being. :| I can't imagine myself collecting flies or beatles or anything... I prefer to take pictures and leave that harsh task for the entomologists! ;)

I'm so sorry if this answer disappoints you... But I can offer you loads of pictures of syrphids, wait to see all the "diificult" ones I have claiming to have the insect collected, LOL! :D

Thank you again for your help, have a great evening


Posted by Andre on 15-09-2011 22:58

Do you drive a car? ;)

I am not disappointed. On the contrary: I would have been jumping a hole in the sky if you would have liked to collect :D

An interesting Spanish woman you can exchange information with - maybe you already know her from here - is Piluca_Alvarez. She's from near Madrid, started making pictures, good ones, and is slowly getting more and more enthousiastic to collect.
Anyway... where are you from, originally? A Spanish woman?

Posted by Marian on 15-09-2011 23:23

Hi again, André!

Too many things to answer. ;)

1) No, I don't drive a car, so I don't have the front part of my car covered with killed flies, if that's what you mean, LOL. ;)

2) Yes, I know Piluca very well: she is my sister. :) She introduced me in the world of Syrphids a year ago and I had a very enjoyable spring and summer with my camera and those little beauties. :)

3) I think you are very optimist about the idea "getting more and more enthousiastic to collect"... I don't see her that way really. ;) I'd say your "enthusiasm" makes you see the situation so. :D But it's true she is getting very good at Syrphids... in fact, she identified this Riponnensia for me. ;) Maybe I'm wrong but I feel you suppected so. ;)

More Syrphids coming soon, André, and plenty of sincere thanks for your help and interest


Edited by Marian on 15-09-2011 23:42

Posted by Andre on 15-09-2011 23:27

LOL!!! 3 times :D

Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 15-09-2011 23:44

Oviedo and Madrid are relatively near... comparing with the Spain's size. :) Next year I will visit the Madrid mountains.

Posted by Andre on 15-09-2011 23:46

Me too! :D

Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 16-09-2011 00:28

No. you are forbidden to come... you need a permission. :p

Posted by Andre on 16-09-2011 10:15

For bathing in the sun? B)
Besides, I already have been there, last year! :P

Posted by Marian on 16-09-2011 22:02

Great to see sense of humour oozing around!!!:D